Dr. Wesley Lee and Dr. Adrian Rus Published in Collaborative Research Article

The Behavioral and Social Sciences Department is truly leading the way at SCU in publication and collaborative research. Over the past year, Dr. Lee and Dr. Rus combined have been published in 6 collaborative research articles. Most recently, Dr. Lee and Dr. Rus published a collaborative research article titled “Cognitive-behavioral Therapy Augmented with Virtual Reality in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorders” in Health, Sports & Rehabilitation Medicine. We want to give a big congratulations to Dr. Lee and Dr. Rus for all that they have accomplished and thank them for being a part of Southwestern Christian University!⁠


Dr. Wesley Lee and Dr. Adrian Rus' Combined Published Articles:

Stativa, E., Rus, A. V., Stoicescu, S. M., Lobo, A., Lee, W. C., Popa, C. O., Grecu, C. G. (2021). Feeding practices patterns in Romanian infants 6-23 months old: Findings from a national representative sample. Health, Sports & Rehabilitation Medicine, 22(2), 75 – 81. https://doi.org/10.26659/pm3.2021.22.2.75

Stativa, E., Rus, A. V., Filip, V., Suciu, N., Stefanescu, A., Pennings, J. S., Parris, S. R., Joiner, D., & Stoicescu, S. M. (2021). Predictors of adolescent motherhood in Romania. Social Change Review, 19. doi:10.2478/scr-2021-0002.

Rus, A. V., Clark, A., Plopeanu, A.P., Tomuletiu, E.A., Bejenaru, A., Stativa, E., Lee, W.C., Parris, S.R., Popa, C.O., & Muresan, S. (2021). Romanian adaptation of Centrality of Religiosity Scale and the utility of this scale in cognitive-behavioral therapy for religious populations. Acta Marisiensis - Seria Medica, 67(1). doi:10.2478/amma-2021-0010ig

Popa, C.O., Predatu, R., Lee, W. C., Blaga, P., Sirbu, E., Rus, A.V., Clark, A., Cojocaru, C., Schenk, A., Vacaras, V., Szasz, S., Muresan, S., & Bredicean, C. (2020). Thought suppression in primary psychotic disorders and substance/medication induced psychotic disorder. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(1), 2-11. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18010116

Popa, C. O., Schenk, A., Rus, A. V., Szasz, S., Suciu, N., Szabo, A., & Cojocaru, A. (2020). The role of acceptance and planning in stress management for medical students. Acta Marisiensis – Seria Medica, 66(3), 1-5. doi:10.2478/amma-2020-0020

Popa, C.O., Rus, A.V., Lee, W.C., Cojocaru, C., Suciu, N., Schenk, A., & Grecu, C.G. (2021). Cognitive-behavioral therapy augmented with virtual reality in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorders. Health, Sports & Rehabilitation Medicine, 22(3). https://doi.org/10.26659/pm3.2021.22.3.182