Makenzie Janz - Student Spotlight

Meet Makenzie Janz, a junior studying Physical Education and school chaplain for the 2018-2019 year.

"SCU has made a huge impact on my life in many ways and I never realized that my childhood dream of playing college basketball would lead me to so much more. Through playing basketball here at SCU, I have had the opportunity to travel many places to play, from Miami, Florida, to Winona Lake, Indiana. Basketball in itself has been an amazing journey. 

    However, I never knew that basketball would eventually lead me on a mission trip to Colombia, South America. Coach Arthur takes a trip every May with a group of student athletes to go to schools in Barranquilla and Cartagena but by using athletics as our way of sharing the gospel to the people we encounter there. I had the chance to go on that trip twice and I met so many amazing people, built so many bonds, and the kids there will forever have my heart.

     Another way that SCU has impacted my life was when I felt the Lord calling me to step out and do more for His kingdom by applying to be a school chaplain. This year, I have been living out that calling as I have had the chance to serve in that position. Getting the chance to hold bible studies every week has allowed me to meet many more students here on campus. And just a few months ago, I was given the opportunity to speak in chapel, which is something I NEVER thought would happen and I could see the Lord moving in my life to continue to do more for Him. 30624170_10216372328769640_8363477766206535961_n.jpg

     With all of that, the greatest lesson I have learned since I have been at SCU is to always put the Lord first, and never shy away from his calling for you. Through professors and faculty here, I have grown in my relationship with the Lord because of their guidance and direction. I have learned more about the Word of God than I ever thought I could and I have been pushed to never settle for doing just enough for the Lord and His kingdom.”