Portal Registration Instructions
Traditional Students (Day-time Classes)
Students in traditional undergraduate programs are enrolled in semester-long, face-to-face classes by their academic advisor. Student's advisors can be found under the Final Grades tab in the student portal.
New traditional students (day-time classes) should contact the admissions office to learn about how they can enroll in classes.
Traditional students must receive special permission to enroll in online or evening classes. Academic advisors must request online or evening classes on behalf of traditional students using an Add form available through the faculty portal.
Non-Traditional and Graduate Students:
For Online, FLEX-Bethany Campus, FLEX-Tulsa-metro Campus, and Graduate students, please contact the personnel listed below to be enrolled in classes.
- Graduate Students: Shelley Groves, Interim (shelley.groves@swcu.edu)
- Online Students:Teresa Bittle (teresa.bittle@swcu.edu)
- FLEX Students - Bethany Campus: Teresa Bittle (teresa.bittle@swcu.edu)
- FLEX Students - Tulsa-metro Campus: Teresa Bittle (teresa.bittle@swcu.edu)