Registration Information
Registration Expectations
Physical presence is not required for registration as all the registration steps can be completed through email and/or by phone. Students should use this registration check list as a guide to ensure each step of registration is completed.
All students may register immediately upon pre-enrollment and are encouraged to do so.
New students including transfer students should work with the Office of Admissions to ensure they have completed all registration steps before attending S.O.A.R., the new student orientation event that takes place the weekend before classes begin. This orientation is required for new students as it is an important step in learning about SWCU and being a student here.
Returning students must complete the following steps:
- Pre-enroll with their advisors during the assigned pre-enrollment schedule on the academic calendar,
- Finalize clearance from the business office by doing the following:
- pay for the following semester in full
- or sign a payment contract for next semester with the business office before the last day of classes and make the first payment for the semester by the deadline (above)
- Pre-enrolled students who are cleared after the established first payment deadline (see above) will be charged a late registration fee of $5 per credit hour.
- If business office clearance is not finalized by close of business on the date of the First Payment deadline, pre-enrolled students will be dropped from all their classes and will need to re-enroll with their advisors and make a payment before the first day of classes. This delay in registration might cause a change in schedule due to closed classes and will cost the student additional fees (another $3 per credit hour). Therefore, it is very important for returning students to follow registration procedures to continue enrollment at SWCU.
- Students who have not been cleared by the business office as of the first day of classes will be pulled from classes and will be asked to vacate campus housing.
Traditional Student Registration
Registration and Payment Schedule
July 15: Scholarship Application Deadline for new students
August 1 (or Monday following if August 1 is on a weekend): First payment deadline
Saturday before classes begin: Last day to register or make registration changes without additional fees
Week 1 of classes: Refund of 100% for dropping classes
Friday of Week 1: Last day to fully enroll for the semester
Week 2 of classes: 0% refund for dropping classes
Friday of Week 2: Last day to add semester-long classes
Friday of Week 3: Last day to drop with 0% refund
Week 4 of classes: No refund for dropping. A grade of "W" will show on the SWCU transcript.
March 15: Scholarship Application Deadline for returning students
First Monday after January 1: First payment deadline
Saturday before classes begin: Last day to register or make registration changes without additional fees
Week 1 of classes: Refund of 100% for dropping classes
Friday of Week 1: Last day to fully enroll for the semester
Week 2 of classes: 0% refund for dropping classes
Friday of Week 2: Last day to add semester-long classes
Friday of Week 3: Last day to drop with 0% refund
Week 4 of classes: No refund for dropping. A grade of "W" will show on the SWCU transcript.
New Students
Step 1
Before arriving on campus (see Step 2 for check-in dates), please be sure to have the following completed:
- Complete FAFSA ( and Verification documents (these may be sent to you after your FAFSA is filed)
- Complete and return the following forms to Student Affairs:
- Emergency Contact and Vehicle Registration (Must fill out even if you are not driving a vehicle)
- The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Form
- Meningococcal Disease Waiver Form (if not vaccinated and wish not to be)
- Off Campus Student Housing Form (for student's who wish to live off campus)
- International Students could contact the Admissions Office for an international student packet.
- Send (or bring copies to campus) the following:
- your medical insurance card
- your car insurance
- your immunization records
Step 2
Make a first payment by the deadline for the semester (see above schedule).
Step 3
Check-in at the registration location on the dates and during the times communicated to you by the Admissions office.
Step 4
Complete all unfinished items on the Registration Checklist. Once these items are completed, you will receive your school ID and clearance to move in to dorms and attend classes.
Step 5
Welcome to SWCU! You may now move in, buy books here, attend class, etc.
Returning Students
Step 1 A and B
A) Complete a FAFSA (for FALL only). B) Pre-enroll with your advisor during the pre-enrollment period assigned by the registrar's office
Step 2
Before leaving campus for the break between semesters, sign a payment contract with the business office or pay in full for the upcoming semester.
Step 3
If the next semester is not paid for in full, there will be a balance showing on the student ledger after financial aid is applied, make a first payment by the deadline shown in the Registration and Payment Schedule above.
Students who have not made a 1st payment by the deadlines are assumed to not be returning to SWCU. Therefore, these students will be dropped from all classes and removed from the housing list on the deadline day. These students will need to re-enroll and make a payment before classes begin to be allowed to attend SWCU for that semester.
Step 4
Buy your books through the SCU Bookstore and come to classes.