SCU Archives

Yearbook Collection:

Yearbooks are a preservation of our past, and a reminder of the relationships that we have forged which have brought us to where we are today. We are working to create digital copies of each of the yearbooks that are in the library, so that they can be shared and viewed by more.  

The yearbook preservation project started in February 2021 and is an ongoing project to digitize and preserve the annuals of Southwestern Christian University for future generations. 


Commencement Programs:


Past Presidents:



Please Note: The SCU Archives is presently undergoing changes and development.

The SCU Archives contains information about past years exhibited through yearbooks, a growing file of alumni, and special memories related to the 75 year history of the school.

Use of the Archives by researchers is limited and by Application. 

For general historical information related to the International Pentecostal Holiness Church please contact the Archives & Records Center of the IPHC.

SWCU has a unique role of being the FIRST Pentecostal school of advanced learning in the state of Oklahoma.  

Guests will be required to sign forms and abide by rules of access.

  • Form - Request for Research Visit

  • Form - Request for Scans and Copies (with price list)

  • Form  - Request to use materials from special collections

Records Management Division includes preservation of materials, documents, studies, and reports relevant to ongoing assessment by the university.

SCU Archives Policies

The archives of the institution are closed except to scholars who will need to file an application for use with the Library Director. 

Displays, photographs, yearbooks, and other more general or common historical documents are featured for the public or alumni. 

The scope of the collection is restricted to historically significant files due to space and preservation issues.

Researchers must make application for access.


The Mission 
It is the mission of the SCU Archives to collect, preserve, maintain, promote and (as feasible) make available official records and personal papers of enduring historical, legal, administrative and fiscal value. As a result the SCU Archives will contain a limited collection of papers, histories, photos, yearbooks, reports, and other memorabilia concerning the origin, growth, achievements, events, people, and development of Southwestern Christian University. Such collections will be for the benefit of the administration, alumni, and qualified researchers wishing to learn more of the history of the first Pentecostal school of higher learning in the state of Oklahoma. 
Scope and Content 
The materials in the collection are limited by space and preservation needs. The scope will thus limit the contents of the archives to significant items of historical importance, records and reports required for ongoing institutional self-study, and to formats for which equipment exists at the university for the viewing or listening. Donations which do not meet our requirements, or that have a broader denominational or historical significance will be referred to other archive centers appropriate to the items.