End of Year Giving


God has blessed us with many gifts in our lives. At SCU, students are our greatest asset and I believe that God has sent every one of them to us. Our faculty and staff are another great asset that we have. We are all here to be a part of something that we believe is making a difference. My primary goal is to see SCU graduates positively impact society for Jesus Christ. I’m convinced it is happening and I’m convinced that even greater influence is going to happen in the future. I believe that!

I need your help! I need your prayers every day! I need your support and encouragement! But we also need your financial support! Through your giving to SCU, you are endorsing this University, and your donations assist in educating our students who will impact the world. We have students that simply cannot afford to attend SCU. As president, I make some financial commitments to students so that they can be here. This season I need your help.

Scholarship dollars allow us to continue to bring students to campus, whether they are from the Dominican Republic, Colombia or Oklahoma. We can give scholarships to help them fulfill what God has destined for their life. You could pay for one class for them, which is about $1,600 per class. You could help us do that.

To help foster the excellent education that our students receive, there must be a solid infrastructure on our campus. This includes having a safe campus with plenty of classroom space, current technology and opportunities to grow both spiritually and socially. As we access our students’ needs each year, God has provided the resources to meet them, oftentimes through someone like you. This year, a few of our needs continue to include:
* Technology that will help reduce our utility bills;
* Security cameras throughout campus to protect our students and buildings;
* Student Center renovations
* Updating the Student Success Center and technology
* Scholarships and Student assistance.

It has been said that if you want to change the culture, you reshape the minds and hearts of the next generation. You give them a solid Christian world-view, you help reshape them intellectually, morally, and spiritually. You ground them in the gospel and equip them to serve Jesus, wherever they go. That is what the faculty, staff, and I do at SCU. Without faithful supporters like you, we simply cannot do this. Please continue to pray for SCU and assist us during this season and the end of the year.

We love and appreciate you, and we are so thankful to have you as part of the SCU Family. Please assist us with your “end of the year” gift today. I desperately need your prayers and your financial help. There is a spirit of newness at SCU—Come be a part of this New Day Dawning!

You can give your gift online at www.swcu.edu/giving or by mailing it to PO Box 340 Bethany, OK 73008.

Kind regards,
Tom Murray / President
Southwestern Christian University

