First Name
Last Name
** None Male Female
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
Term for which you are applying for on campus housing
** None Fall 2024 Spring 2025
We will begin accepting Fall 2025 housing applications on February 1st, 2025.
Email Address
Note: This email may be used to contact you in the event housing staff may have additional questions for you regarding your housing assignment preferences.
Cell Phone
Would you like us to disclose your email address/phone number to your roommate for contact purposes prior to move-in day?
** None Yes - email only Yes - cell phone only Both are okay No, please don't give out my contact information to my roommate
How old will you be when classes begin?
** None 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 I am too old to live on campus
Southwestern Christian University's resident policy states that all unmarried students under the age of 20 are required to live on campus.
Residential Facility Preference (Rates are per semester, you will have this charge once in the Fall and once in the Spring) Please note: these rates are based on the last approved Fall 2023 rates and are subject to change..
** None LLC Men- $3100 per semester LLC Women- $3100 per semester Currently at Capacity, no more availability-North Men WITHOUT Living Room- $3100 per semester North Women WITHOUT Living Room- $3100 per semester Currently at Capacity, no more availability- North Men WITH Living Room- $3300 per semester North Women WITH Living Room- $3300 per semester Currently at Capacity, no more availability- East Dorms Men (Glasshouse)- $2500 per semester Currently at Capacity, no more availability- East Dorms Women (Glasshouse)- $2500 per semester
Second Choice (This is for if your first choice is unavailable. IT NEEDS TO BE DIFFERENT FROM YOUR FIRST CHOICE.) Please note: these rates are based on the last approved Fall 2024 rates and are subject to change.
** None LLC Men- $3100 per semester LLC Women- $3100 per semester Currently at Capacity, no more availability - North Men WITHOUT Living Room- $3100 per semester North Women WITHOUT Living Room- $3100 per semester Currently at Capacity, no more availability - North Men WITH Living Room- $3300 per semester North Women WITH Living Room- $3300 per semester Currently at Capacity, no more availability - Glasshouse Men (East Dorms)- $2500 per semester Currently at Capacity, no more availability- Glasshouse Women (East Dorms)- $2500 per semester
Declared Major Type:
** None Business Administration Christian Studies/Intercultural Studies Christian Leadership/VSL English/English Education Teacher Education (Elementary, Early Childhood) History/History Education Liberal Studies Music/Music Performance/Worship Arts Pastoral/Youth Ministry Physical Education Psychology/Human Services Sport Management (Exercise Science) Undecided/Associate of Arts/Liberal Studies
Hobbies & Personal Interests
What sports or extra-curricular activities do you plan to participate in?
Do you study in your room?
** None Frequently Infrequently
When do you normally go to bed?
** None early late very late
When do you normally wake up?
** None early late very late
I consider myself:
** None very tidy tidy not so tidy not tidy
I consider myself:
** None Introverted Extroverted
Do you have any special needs or accommodations that are concerns for resident housing?
Roommate Request (Requests must be specific by using names, and must also be mutual). Please note: Though we do make great efforts to put people with people that they want to be with, requests are not guaranteed.
First Name
Last Name
Signature constitutes that student and parents have read and are in agreement with the terms of occupancy and student contract.