Vision 4 Education
2022 Vision 4 Education - Click HERE
Join the Vision of SCU and partner with us as we continue to invest in our youth and the next generation. Through training and education, we continue to send out workers for God's Kingdom.
Your prayers and gifts are changing lives! Give now to continue this transformative opportunity for SCU students.
For over 75 years, the women of the IPHC have seen the importance of education, and especially the need for it in a Christian environment. IPHC Women’s Ministries has worked in local churches for many years to provide aid and assistance to students attending our denominational institutions. Vision 4 Education is a special time for each of our denominational colleges to receive funds raised by IPHC women throughout the year. This effort provides scholarships for students and resources for IPHC institutions. We invite everyone to participate by giving and by attending the annual V4E events.