Rhema Bible: 2 Paths 1 Promise

Rhema Bible Training College and Southwestern Christian University

Southwestern Christian University has partnered with Rhema Bible Training College in Broken Arrow Oklahoma to offer a special program for students who are currently attending classes with Rhema. Here is what is included!

  • While taking classes at Rhema, you can complete your Bachelor's degree at the same time in as little as 3 years!
  • Southwestern Christian University transfers in as many as 40 RBTC credits!
  • Southwestern Christian University is conveniently located on the Rhema campus, so we are close to home!
  • We have several degree options available including Christian Leadership, Business Administration, Human Services, Psychology, and Liberal Studies!

But wait! What can I do with a Bachelor's degree? You have many options available, but here are a few ideas to get your wheels turning!


Christian Leadership

Business Administration

Human Services


Church Administrator

Lay Counselor


Non-Profit Agency Administrator



Office Administrator


Human Resources



Training and Development

Case Worker

Child Welfare Specialist

Vocational Rehabilitation

Eldercare Welfare Worker

Non-Profit Agencies

Adoption Services

Youth Crisis Centers

*This list is not exhaustive and some professions may require additional education. No job is guaranteed upon graduation and you will be responsible for finding employment upon your degree completion.

Ready to apply? Classes start at the beginning of each Rhema semester in September and January! Do not delay, our Admissions staff is ready to serve you!


Apply Now!


Applied? What's Next?

After you have completed your application for admission into the 2 Paths 1 Promise program, you will be notified by one of our University Representatives.

Please do not forget to complete your FAFSA application to determine eligibility for the school year for any potentials grants, loans, or other aid that may be available. Apply at fafsa.ed.gov. Our school code is 003180.

Dependent students will require parental information on the FAFSA as well, so both parties will need to have separate FSA ID numbers. Apply for those at fafsa.ed.gov. 

Once Southwestern Christian University has received all of your documentation, you will be reviewed for acceptance and provided with information regarding New Student Orientation. 

New Student Orientation is held the Thursday evening prior to the first night of your first class for new students to Southwestern Christian University. It runs from 6-7:30 p.m. 

Need Assistance? 

Contact NTAdmissions@swcu.edu for more information!