Master of Ministry


The twenty first century is the most advanced age in history, but effective leadership has never been more needed. The Master of Ministry in Theology of Global Transformation and Urban Ministry is designed to equip those called to lead with the tools to move people toward God's agenda. This degree is designed to prepare and challenge leaders to rise to the level of their calling. Our students are shaped by skilled practitioners in the field of leadership, and by excellent academic training. Wanting to learn leadership? Then this is the program for you.

The Master of Ministry in Theology of Global Transformation and Urban Ministry is a 36 hour degree program providing students with skills necessary to evaluate ministry processes, strategic planning, and Biblical truth. The degree also addresses such areas as graduate-level research, critical thinking, and the writing process for graduate research. It incorporates practical solutions to 21st century ministry challenges. Courses may be taken in any combination of modular, one night per week, or online.

Potential Careers: Pastor, Christian Administrator, Christian Educator, Church Planter, Missionary Outreach, Disaster Ministries.


Program Requirements 

UNIV 5000  


ICST 5603

Cultural Communicaton

ICST 5503

Modern Secular/Christian Worldviews           

LEAD 5923

Conflict Management Skills 

LEAD 5543

Non-Profit Leadership

PMIN 5x01

Special Topics (3 Semesters)

PMIN 5723 OR ICST 5203  

Church Planting and Renewal OR International Trends and Issues 

PMIN 5103

Urban Ministry


Social Policy, Leadership, and Community Change

BIBL 5413

Biblical Perspective on Economic Justice

THEO 5303 

Pentecostal Theology


Christology and Mission

THEO 6233  

 Contextual Theology

The following courses would be pre-requisites to enroll in the program:

BIBL 6403

Old Testament

BIBL 6413

New Testament

 Total credit hours required for Master of Ministry Degree = 36


One Year Graduate Program Master of Ministry


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